Bowral High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

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Bullying in schools

Bullying in schools

Anti-bullying code

Bowral High School aims to create a positive and caring ethos where individuals are respected and feel secure in a way that enhances their social and academic development.

Bullying is the wilful conscious desire to hurt, threaten or frighten someone. A person is being bullied, or picked on, when another person or group of people say nasty things to him or her. It is also bullying when a person is hit, kicked, threatened verbally or with a gesture or a look, when no-one ever talks to him or her and when they are sent nasty notes or messages. It is also bullying when a person is repeatedly teased in a nasty way. These things can happen frequently and it is difficult for the person being bullied to defend him or herself.

At Bowral High School our objectives are:

  • to prevent bullying
  • to act effectively when bullying is reported 
  • to provide anti-bullying courses to all students 

What do I do if I am being bullied?

Talk to a teacher, your year advisor, the counsellor, your parents or guardian, or a friend.

What will happen next?

The relevant people will help you deal with the issue of bullying. Students who continue to bully or repeatedly bully other students may be suspended from school.

Cyber bullying

Cyberbullying is the use of electronic media and devices, such as Mobile Phones, Facebook, SMS and Email, to harass or intimidate is a Criminal Offence in NSW. The School will implement its Student Management System, including the Department of Education and Commerce Suspension and Expulsion Policy, at any time a student is the victim of Cyber Bullying related to Bowral High School. In severe cases, the Police will also be notified.

NSW Department of Education Bullying Policy

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