PBS: ‘Positive Behaviours for Success'
Bowral High School is currently implementing PBS ‘Positive Behaviour for Success' (PBS) which is an Illawarra and South East Region initiative to assist regional schools in building school wide systems and teacher expertise which promote positive values, positive behaviours and create school environments which maximise learning engagement and promote student achievement. PBS currently involves 105 Illawarra and South East regional schools (48%). The initiative has already proven to be successful in many schools around the region.
PBS is an internationally recognised broad range of individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning results while preventing problem behaviour. It is adapted to local school and community needs and allows each individual school to design a PBS framework to meet their unique needs.
PBS maximises a schools' ability to create a positive and safe school climate.
In 2012, Bowral High School embarked on the 5 year process of implementing this program. We started by researching areas in the playground where behaviour may be less than positive, developing a matrix of expected behaviours, and teaching students and the whole school community these expectations.
Our PBS values have been developed by a representative school team and were determined through a process of consultation with students, parents and the local school community.
Bowral High School values
Respect Responsibility Fairness
The implementation of PBS involves the explicit teaching of critical social skills. The process is designed to be preventative and proactive. Positive behaviour is rewarded and success is celebrated.
Bowral High School has already seen great success in applying the PBS values to its whole school assemblies.
The PBS lessons are held each Thursday during an extended roll call. Students participate in discussions and activities relating to the values and how to apply them in different areas of the school.
Our PBS Mission Statement:
At Bowral High School we promote fairness, nurture respectful relationships, and develop personal responsibility. We foster the pursuit of personal best in all we do.