Bowral High School History
Secondary education at Bowral was first provided in 1906 when a course was established at the school to cater for children of the surrounding district who wished to continue at school beyond the primary stage. The first group of students to reach Leaving Certificate standard sat for the examination in 1915.
In 1920 Bowral District School (aka BHS) became an Intermediate High. At this stage, there were over 120 pupils in the secondary section.
In 1925 the school improved its status and was made a grade 1 school. Pupils came from Wingello, Penrose, Exeter, Bundanoon, Moss Vale, Mittagong, Lower Mittagong and Braemar.
Bowral Intermediate High School became respected in educational circles as one of the best Intermediate High Schools in the State. In 1929 there were 389 pupils enrolled in the Intermediate High School. They were taught by 14 teachers.
Work began in 1929 for construction of new school buildings and the foundation stone was laid by Hon. DH Drummond, MLA, Minister for Education. On Saturday 22 March 1930, a pleasant sunny autumn day, the new school was officially opened. As reported at the time:
"The new High School building comprises 12 classrooms to accommodate 420 pupils; Science Room, Library, Study, Assembly, Headmaster's and Staffrooms, Hatrooms, Stores etc. The outbuildings comprise of Boys and Girls weathersheds, lavatories, tuckshop, 2 bicycle sheds and sanitary block.
The building is of 2 storeys constructed of brick on concrete footings and has a tiled roof. The cost of erection was approximately £20,000 and the contractor was Mr WA Gazzard."
Bowral High School would not have eventuated in 1930 had it not been for the local people, via Bowral Parents and Citizens' Association, pitched in financially and helped provide a portion of the site.
Bowral High School has had thirteen headmasters since 1930. The first, Mr Herbert Cowie, served until his death in June 1935.
Principals of Bowral High School
HERBERT COWIE | 1930-1935 |
ANDREW WATSON | 1936-1937 |
SYDNEY BARKER | 1938-1953 |
ROBERT WILSON | 1953-1965 |
HENRY WATERHOUSE | 1971-1974 |
JOHN JEFFERY | 1975-1978 |
DAVID MCGRATH | 1978-1986 |
RAY PERRAU | 1987-1991 |
LANCE CORR | 1992-1994 |
KATHRYN BRENNAN | 1995-2005 |
DIANNE HENNESSY | 2006-2009 |
KIM PAVIOUR | 2010-2018 |
JASON CONROY | 2018- |
For the past 90 years, Bowral High School has contested for the Smith Cup with Goulburn High.
This inter-school sporting competition is one of the oldest in NSW.