Bowral High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

Telephone02 4861 2255


students in library

The purpose of our Library Information Centre (LIC)  is to enhance and support teaching and learning within the school community.  Its focus is always on providing relevant support in the key target areas that reflect the educational priorities of the school community.

On a more practical level:

  • The LIC is open throughout the school day, including recess and lunch.
  • The LIC offers a range of information resources in a variety of formats suitable for all learning levels.
  • Students have access to computers in a network and/or wireless setup.
  • Students are supported in their learning by having available a number of support services such as printers, photocopiers, digital and multimedia equipment.
  • Students are supported in their learning by having a continual focus on developing their information literacy skills for all sources and learning stages.
  • Staff have access to a range of information sources, teaching tools and support services which reflect the ever changing information challenges of the 21st century.
  • Staff have the opportunity to use the library as an extension of their classroom learning opportunities.
  • All school members have borrowing rights particular to their needs.
  • All school members are provided with a safe and secure working environment.
  • All school members are given the opportunity to use the library area for special interest purposes.