Bowral High School

Exceptional learning opportunities for all

Telephone02 4861 2255

Student Information

Student information updates

It is imperative that your contact details are always up to date on our computer system. Please fill in this form and send it to the Front Office if any details have changed, particularly phone numbers. This ensures that we can contact you in any situation or emergency.

Change of Details Form

School lockers

Lockers are available for hire at Bowral High School. School lockers are located in D and F block and can be hired out by filling out the locker hire application form.

Students can return the completed form, plus payment to the finance office where they will be given a receipt to take to the library in order to be allocated a locker.

Permission to publish

Dear Parent / Caregiver

I am seeking your permission to record and publish information about your child for the purposes of sharing his/her experiences with other students, informing the school and broader community about school and student activities and recording student participation in noteworthy projects of community service.

This information may include your child's name, age, class and information collected at school such as photographs, sound and visual recordings of your child, your child's work and expressions of opinion such as in interactive media.

The communications in which your child's information may be published include but are not limited to:

• Public websites of the Department of Education and Communities, including the school website, the Department of Education and Communities intranet staff only), blogs and wikis.

• Department of Education and Communities publications including the school newsletter, annual school magazine and school report, promotional material published in print and electronically including on the Department's websites.

• Official Department and school social media accounts on networks such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

Parents should be aware that when information is published on public websites and social media channels, it can be discoverable online for a number of years, if not permanently. Search engines may also cache or retain copies of published information. Published information can also be linked to by third parties.

Teachers may also film or record students whilst engaged in learning experiences for the purpose of engagement, assessment and feedback. Some examples of when filming or recording may occur includes but is not limited to the following: presenting a speech, conducting an experiment, on field trips/excursions, working on a practical project, or whilst performing.

Please complete the permission slip (pdf 84 KB) and return it to school either via your child's roll teacher or to the student window.

Yours sincerely

Christine Roberts - Rel. Principal 


Complaints and compliments

We are keen to hear from you.

If you have a complaint, compliment or suggestion about any aspect of our school services, please complete the form and share your thoughts.

Complaints and Compliments